Each exam covers the readings and lectures from material from the previous six in-person classes (four classes for online class) and based on the review questions and the testable terms.

As this exam is subjective, your score will be based on how well you explain your response and demonstrate your understanding of the course material, more than providing the “correct answer.”

The exam consists of the following types of questions:

  1. Identification

    In two-to-three sentences, identify the term and describe its significance for the media technology in question.
    For example:

    asynchronous media
    Asynchronous media are media content that are not consumed as the same time as it is produced and not consumed at the same time by all consumers. An example of an asynchronous medium is on-demand television programming, such as HBO Go. The content is available on a technology platform that the viewer can start at her will and consumer on her schedule.
  2. Short Answer

    Answer the question with a one-paragraph response, about four-to-five sentences in length.

    For example:

    How do consumer magazines earn revenue?
    Consumer Magazines traditionally earn revenue from two sources. The first is through direct revenue sources, specifically individual newsstand sales and monthly or annual subscriptions. This revenue comes directly from consumers. The second source of revenue is from advertisers who pay to place content in the magazine. Consumer magazines often have a large number of readers and are circulated widely, providing advertisers a mass audience to receive their message.